Clew Networking
On-Prem and Cloud IT systems
Design, implementation and support of IT systems both on-premise and cloud is our daily bread. Linux, FreeBSD, Microsoft Windows.

We are small company which can support your needs quickly. No company will ever achieve perfection, ever. But we bring motivation, no bureaucracy and no bullsh*t behavior to help you solve your issues.
We know how to transfer your environment into Infrastructure as Code. Having experience with migrating workloads from traditional on-prem physical / virtual machine design into cloud one. Containerization of applications to allow them to run on Kubernetes.
Pro-actively keeping an eye on your servers and applications so they are in good shape and you do not need to take care yourself.
Turning your environment into a safe place with properly choosing and configuring antivirus solutions and firewalls to protect your business.
Monitoring your infrastructure, collecting metrics from systems and applications, alerting, trends. Integration into different ticketing systems.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sedr do eiusmod deis tempor incididunt.