• Helping on your journey into cloud

    We know how to transfer your environment into Infrastructure as Code. Having experience with migrating workloads from traditional on-prem physical / virtual machine design into cloud one. Containerization of applications to allow them to run on Kubernetes.

    Infrastructure as Code AWS Kubernetes CI/CD Gitlab Github Travis CI
  • Taking care of your server infrastructure

    Pro-actively keeping an eye on your servers and applications so they are in good shape and you do not need to take care yourself.

    OS patching Server Administration Application Administration
  • Keeping you safe

    Turning your environment into a safe place with properly choosing and configuring antivirus solutions and firewalls to protect your business.

    Antivirus solutions Firewalls
  • Keeping an eye on your infrastructure 24/7

    Monitoring your infrastructure, collecting metrics from systems and applications, alerting, trends. Integration into different ticketing systems.

    Metrics collecting Custom Dashboards Alerting via different channels Automatic opening of tickets
  • Enjoy & Travel

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